Friday, October 05, 2007

When Noah sobered up

When Noah sobered up. he twatted the first guy that ridiculed his faith and that of others -

Why do people get so worked up about people of faith?
For those that dont have any faith its a bit silly questioning anyone that does - your living on an entirely different plain - and by your own admission does not have something that the man of faith does - and since you cannot or will not experience that thing called faith - to question its validity or worth, is a bit like screaming flat earth to someone that intuitively knows you cannot fall off the horizon.

You are never going to agree - but to attack someone for their faith is just a plain cunty thing to do.

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Tribute to Sylvester - By the time Sylvester died on December 16, 1988 of AIDS-related complications, he had firmly cemented his reputation as one of the most original and talented musicians to come out of the disco arena. While Sylvester represented to mainstream America the Black and gay cultural origins of disco music, his body of work included not only crucial contributions to the disco songbook, but also ballads that proved he was a versatile stylist who brought a realness and depth to all his material.